Viva La Musica includes the songs of Frank Leto's Time for Music album in Spanish! This is a perfect way for children to start to learn a new language and incorporate a second language into the classroom. Begin by introducing a song in the chidlren's native language. After they become comfortable with the song, present the same song in the other langue.
Perfect for children ages 2-6.
Viva La Musica
1. Se Mi Eco I
2. ¿Que Podemos Hacer Hoy?
3. Colores
4. Vamos Al Mercado
5. Entiende Lo Que Siento
6. Bajo El Sol
7. Cinco Sentidos
8. Jabón de Coco
9. El Salto Calipso
10. Camina Alrededor Del Circulo
11. Se Mi Eco II